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Showing posts in 'Practical Tips'

Uncomplicating Prayer: One Word Changes Everything

J.D. Greear | 3 Aug 2021

For many of us, prayer is a struggle. There are plenty of reasons for this: we aren’t sure prayer works; we don’t know how to reconcile prayer with God’s sovereignty; we’ve had unanswered prayers in the past. But one of the most common obstacles goes deeper than all that: many of our prayer struggles arise from a fundamentally wrong view of God. We see God as reluctant and distant. Sure, he listens to us, but it’s not his favourite thing to do—and honestly, it requires a lot of patience on his part. ... continue reading

How Do I Keep A Feeling of Contentment?

Jennie Pollock | 8 Jul 2021

They’re few and far between, aren’t they, those days of transcendent joy? You’ve probably experienced a few of them in your life—when the guy you liked finally noticed you; when you got accepted to the college you’d been dreaming of; when you slept well, woke up late and knew the vacation was just beginning. But a life can’t all be highlights, and I’m sure you’ve had more than one moment of wondering, “How do I keep a feeling of contentment on the ordinary days, let alone the difficult days?”... continue reading

Helping New Christians Start a Life of Faith

Gary Millar | 1 Jul 2021

It was both a thrill and a very strange feeling to be asked to lead a group of new Christians (or “almost Christians”) through Need to Know (NTK). After years of wanting a resource to help people who have recently become Christians (or for whom the gospel had recently started to make sense and grip them), now the rubber had finally hit the road!... continue reading

The Church Isn’t Closed For Summer

Bethany McIlrath | 29 Jun 2021

As summer gets into full swing, many churches offer fewer events like Bible studies and weekly kids’ programs. This is just part of the busy season of vacations, weddings, grad parties, and more. But, the Church itself doesn’t close for summer. God’s still working in and through his people. Many are still in need of the gospel. Fellowship is as valuable as ever (even if it takes place in gardens for a time). ... continue reading

What is Father’s Day to the Fatherless Child?

Blair Linne | 18 Jun 2021

Growing up without my father on Father’s Day, I would often make out my card to my mother. I would tell of all the ways she provided for me and protected me and how grateful I was. As I’ve grown older I realized that my mother could not take the place of my father. Her role was to model things about God that were different from how my father could. Of course, ideally, the two of them would be Christians working together to create a beautiful bountiful bungalow for me to thrive in.... continue reading

5 Things to Pray for Your Parents When They’re Feeling Lonely

Chelsea Stanley | 27 May 2021

If you’re an adult child, chances are that your parents may be among those who are feeling the ache of loneliness right now. There are lots of ways to come alongside them and help them feel less lonely—calling them regularly, sending a note, and dropping off a meal can be tangible expressions of love for sure. But there are times when even our kindest gestures can’t fill the void of loneliness, and the best thing we can do for our parents is to turn to the only one who can.... continue reading

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