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Showing posts in 'Practical Tips'

Introducing Our New Rewards Programme!

Alexa Burstow | 18 Jul 2023

Getting to serve alongside you is so important to us. So, we're launching a brand new loyalty programme called 'MyRewards' so that we can thank you with freebies and special deals when you shop on our site. It's easy. Simply follow 5 steps...... continue reading

Practical Tips

Deals and Rewards

Tips for Teens Grappling with Bible Passages

Alison Mitchell | 13 Jul 2023

It sounds obvious when you say it, but the Bible authors wrote their books with a particular purpose in mind. They weren’t just scribbling down random things that popped into their heads. We know that, because they often tell us what their aim is.... continue reading

Engage 365: Learning How to Handle, Question and Explore God's Word

Alison Mitchell | 11 Jul 2023

One of the main ambitions of Engage 365 is to encourage you to dive into God’s word. Here’s a quick walkthrough of how you can use this resource to help you to handle, question and explore the Bible.... continue reading


Encouraging Young People to Read the Bible Series

Practical Tips Bible Study

What to Do When Your Child Feels Insecure

Ed Drew | 16 May 2023

The problem for our children is that it is very easy for them (as it is for their parents) to listen to the wrong another. Even those from the most secure, loving homes suddenly feel shaken over the smallest issue. They are left insecure by things that may sound trivial to us but are so, so important to them.... continue reading

Relief From New Year Pressures: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

Denise J. Hughes | 27 Dec 2022

One day, while passing the food processors in Bed Bath & Beyond, I came across a large piece of wall art that said, “Dream until your dreams come true.” I stopped mid-aisle and stared at those words. We encounter some version of this message everywhere we go: “Never give up on your dreams!” Indeed, one of the loudest messages in the Western world is for us to dream big and do all we can to pursue our dreams.... continue reading

5 Ideas to Intentionally Share the Gospel This Christmas

Bethany McIlrath | 6 Oct 2022

Christmas is a wonderful opportunity to share Christ with those around us. In the midst of festive parties, gatherings with loved ones, and a multitude of seasonal events, how can we share the gospel clearly at Christmas time? Here are a few practical ideas. ... continue reading

To the Discipling Parent Whose Child Seems Disconnected

Melissa Swain | 5 Aug 2022

Connection. If you’re like most of us, you think about connection in the context of our digital age—connected via social media, gaming, video platforms and even the electrical grid. Always on, always going. Disconnecting is what everyone is screaming about, as they post waterfall photos to show the rest of the world just how unplugged they are. But what if connection is something we need? I don’t mean with thousands of strangers via social media. I mean with our kids. ... continue reading

To the Parent Who is Discipling Their Kids Alone

Melissa Swain | 4 Aug 2022

There are many reasons why a parent might be the solo discipler in the home. Maybe you’re the only parent. Maybe you’re the only parent who follows after Jesus. Maybe your spouse is deployed, or their job requires them to be away for long periods of time, or you are widowed, or your child’s other parent has never been present. Whatever the case may be, family dynamics are much more complicated than neat little demographic boxes we tick on a registration form. And that complicates not only our lives, but our discipling relationships with our kids. ... continue reading

For the Struggling Parent Who Wants to Disciple Their Kids

Melissa Swain | 3 Aug 2022

“How am I supposed to help my kids follow Jesus when I am struggling in my own relationship with him?” It’s a valid question, and one you’re not alone in asking. Or maybe you’re not struggling in your relationship with Christ, but you’re just having a hard time with life in general. Maybe it’s your job or an illness that is causing your struggles. It could be family or relationship issues that are complicating every facet of life. Perhaps your DIY remodel went off the rails and you’re living in a construction zone with your last shred of sanity holding it all together.... continue reading

To The Busy Parent Who Wants to Disciple Their Kids

Melissa Swain | 2 Aug 2022

If your schedule looks anything like mine, it can make a person uninitiated in the realm of colour-coded calendars dizzy. There’s a colour dedicated to this kid, a colour dedicated to that kid. One for work stuff, one for family stuff, and even the dogs have their own special colour on the calendar. Ok, so the dogs don’t have a lot of appointments, but once you go down that colour-coding rabbit hole, you just can’t leave them out. Or maybe you’re more of a non-calendar person and sticky notes are your thing. Whatever your method is, if you have kids, you’re probably busier than you want to be.... continue reading

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