Does your tween struggle with their identity? Do they wonder how a good God could allow such bad things to happen in the world? Are they worried about heaven and hell?... continue reading
Let’s be honest: the things people tell you are meant to help you grow closer to God—stuff like praying, reading the Bible, going to church—can feel pretty boring a lot of the time, right?... continue reading
Helen was born in Hertfordshire, England to Sir Martin and Lady Edith Roseveare. She was the second of five children. Her father was a mathematician who designed the ration books used in the UK during the Second World War.... continue reading
Most of us have heard about David and Goliath, but there is a whole lot more to David’s story than that! As well as bows and arrows and slingstones and giants, did you know that the Bible’s account of the story of David and Saul also includes big battles, midnight escapes, caves, deserts, danger, decisions, madness, honey and cows?... continue reading
The following is an extract from Chapter 13 of The Songs of a Warrior, an imaginative yet biblically faithful account of the first two kings of Israel by Katy Morgan. This extract retells the story of Samuel’s visit to David told in 1 Samuel 16 v 1-13 and the story of how David started off in Saul’s service documented in 1 Samuel 16 v 14-23. ... continue reading
LONDON, UK - The Good Book Company is excited to announce the upcoming release of God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook (The Good Book Company, September 2023).... continue reading
Kids encounter diversity just like adults do. They meet people who are different from them - in the way they look, sound, behave, and more. Differences can make kids uneasy and unsure of how to interact. ... continue reading
Sharing bedtime stories is perhaps one of the most beloved family traditions, especially around the holidays. So what better way to introduce Jesus to your kids than with a Christmas bedtime story? ... continue reading
Kids love to dream about what they might do when they grow up. They dream of what jobs they might have, of places they might go to, of people they might meet. ... continue reading
What will heaven be like? What’s so exciting about spending forever in heaven? Why is Jesus the best part of eternity? Answering questions like these for kids can be challenging, especially as it’s hard to get past common myths. ... continue reading