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Search results for 'questions christians ask'

Top 5 Books - #1

Dex Fletcher | 19 Dec 2014

As the year draws to a close and people make all sorts of Top 5 for 2014 lists, we thought we'd do our own. And add a little competition.

Over the past few days, we've be telling you our Top 5 selling books for 2014. And here it is, our …

Top 5 Books - #4

Dex Fletcher | 16 Dec 2014

As the year draws to a close and people make all sorts of Top 5 for 2014 lists, we thought we'd do our own. And add a little competition.

Over the next few days, we'll be telling you our Top 5 selling books for 2014. The competition is to guess …

Book review: Why did Jesus have to die?

Helen Thorne | 4 Aug 2014

Over the 25 years since I've become a Christian I've heard quite a few talks on the cross. I've read a few books too. And, as I've worked my way through the pages of Scripture, I've noticed it's a subject that pops up time and time again! In broad brush-strokes, …

Questions we'd really not like to think too much about

Tim Thornborough | 22 Jul 2014

Met yesterday with an old friend who came up through the youth group I was involved in and who is now a missionary in South Africa. He thanked me for producing the Questions Christians Ask series, and then, like many others, asked me what is next on the list.

I …

How Should I Respond When Friends Fall Away?

John Stevens | 11 Jul 2014

Anyone who has been a Christian for any length of time will have experienced the pain of seeing people who had professed faith stop believing in Jesus. When I was at university, my Christian Union was very encouraged because a first-year student went forward at an evangelistic event and said …

The Problem of Doubt

John Stevens | 10 Jul 2014

In this extract from his book published today, John Stevens talks about his own experience of doubt in himself and others. John is the National Director of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches in the UK.

I became a Christian in 1988 while I was a law student. I had grown …

What Lies Beneath

Tim Thornborough | 10 Jul 2014

When did you last have a conversation like this over coffee after church?

      "Hi, how are you?"
      "Not so good actually - I've spent the whole week wondering if God is even real.
      How about you?"
     "Hmmm... thinking that I'm not sure I'm a christian at all after this week…" …

The end of the world: Why is it all so complicated?

Jeramie Rinne | 9 Jul 2014

Many Christians today believe that Jesus’ second coming will happen in phases. According to this view, Jesus will first come unexpectedly and invisibly in order to gather believers out of the world, and then come again later in the visible, awesome way described here in Matthew 24. This prior coming is …

Will there be a secret rapture?

Jeramie Rinne | 8 Jul 2014

In this extract from How will the world End? Author Jeramie Rinne helps us see why this is a confusing question for many Christians, and how we can get a proper perspective on things.

Where were you when you first realized the world might end? I was a pre-teen, at …

How will the world end? Help for the confused....

Tim Thornborough | 8 Jul 2014

There is no global shortage of doomsayers. We are being told that we are only decades, years, months, days away from catastrophe by global warming, ecological disaster, viral pandemics, major terrorist atrocities or a meteor strike. The scenario changes, but the end result is the same - the end of …

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