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Cuckfield Baptist Church

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What kind of God
£8.99 £7.19

On three recent Sunday evenings we have looked at God and Science, God and Suffering and God and Hell. If you want to read more about how to answer tough questions or get answers for yourself this book will help with these and other questions

The Reason for God
£10.99 £7.69

On three recent Sunday evenings we have looked at God and Science, God and Suffering and God and Hell. If you want to read more about how to answer tough questions or get answers for yourself this book is excellent in addressing these and other tough questions

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Case for Faith - Student Edition
£6.99 £6.29

On three recent Sunday evenings we have looked at God and Science, God and Suffering and God and Hell. If you want to read more about how to answer tough questions or get answers for yourself this book this book is a great place to start

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Explore 66 (Apr - Jun 2014)

Read the second half of David's notes on 1Samuel as well as readings in Matthew, Psalms, Jude and some Easter readings.

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One life. What's it all about?
£6.99 £5.94

A great place to start for those who want an introduction to what Christianity is all about......

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Uncover - Luke's Gospel (NIV)
£4.99 £4.24

who will you read yours with?

Serving without sinking
£8.99 £7.64

Has Christian service become a guilt motivated chore? Are you discouraged because no-one notices what you do? Are you bitter that not everyone get involved? Do you have no desire at all to serve in the church? Well then this book is for you! It is a book that wonderfully, helpfully points us to the Servant – Jesus, the secret of joy in the midst of hardest of service!

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£9.99 £7.99

God made us with feelings but sometimes we are afraid of them and don’t know how to handle them. This excellent books helps us to think about our feelings so we can grow in good and godly emotions