When you buy from The Good Book Company, your money is going further than you think. We're committed to using all that God gives us to serve him and his people, and that includes any profits he blesses us with. So anything we make from selling gospel resources to you is ploughed back into the work of the gospel. There are three main areas that we concentrate on as we seek to put our profits to good use:
1. Translating existing resources into other languages.
We have dedicated members of staff who work with partner publishers in other countries to translate our resources. We currently work with partner publishers in over 50 countries and our network is growing.
We donate a portion of the proceeds from our Christmas cards to this wonderful Christian charity, which is one of the world's leading child development and advocacy organisations. Working with local churches in 25 countries across the world, Compassion links children living in poverty with loving sponsors who give them access to education, nutritious food and health checks through the care of local church-based Compassion projects. Given the vast and complex needs of children living in poverty, Compassion also protects children and their caregivers in the long-term through interventions, providing safe drinking water for communities, malaria nets, life-saving surgery, malnutrition-prevention programmes, vocational training centres, and emergency relief after natural disasters. We are thrilled to be able to make a financial contribution to their work through sales of our Christmas cards. We are delighted to partner with Crosslinks and SIM all around the world by giving the missionaries they support free access to newly published ebooks. If you would like to know more about this program, you can email hello@thegoodbook.co.uk.
We are delighted to partner with Crosslinks and SIM all around the world by giving the missionaries they support free access to newly published ebooks. If you would like to know more about this program, please email us.