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The 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family

Outlines fourteen highly practical and gospel-centered principles underlying biblical parenting

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Sometimes parents wish there was a guaranteed formula for raising good kids—a certain list of rules to follow to ensure they’ll have obedient children. But if moms and dads view their role through the lens of God’s grace, they will see that the gospel must first shape how they parent before they can effectively shape their children.

In this highly practical book, Paul David Tripp unfolds a more biblical perspective on parenting than merely adhering to a list of rules. He lays out fourteen gospel-centered principles that will radically change the way parents think about what it means to raise up a child—informing everything they do as a parent.

Product details


Contributors Paul David Tripp
ISBN 9781433551932
Format Hardback
First published September 2016
Dimensions 152mm x 228mm x 20mm
Weight 0.49 kg
Language English
Pages 224
Publisher Crossway
Independent reviews

Parenting with a Big Gospel Picture

Mitch Chase, The Gospel Coalition, 11 Jan 2017

The assurance for parents is the presence of Christ. In every parenting victory and every parenting sorrow, we have Immanuel. He’s strong when we’re weak, an ever-present help in time of need. No matter what we face as parents, he’ll never leave or forsake us. He’ll be with us throughout this age. And whether the years of our children are 3, 5, 10, 15, or much older, he’ll be with us through those ages too.... continue reading

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Parenting | Paul David Tripp |
£16.99 £12.15