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Christianity Explored Study Guide (Hungarian)

Christianity Explored Study Guide (Hungarian)

Hungarian edition of the Christianity Explored study guide.

Part of the Christianity Explored series.


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Hungarian Edition

Christianity Explored is a ten-week course that introduces people to Jesus Christ. Week by week, as course participants explore Mark's Gospel, they address three questions that cut to the heart of Christianity: Who is Jesus? Why did he come? What does it mean to follow him?

Study Guide

  • Includes all questions and group discussion points for each topic covered
  • Provides brief outlines of each of the talks
  • Includes extra 'home study' questions relating to each week
  • Should be used in conjunction with the following books: How To Run The Course and Study Guide - Leader's Edition

Product details


  • Preface: Before we begin

  • Week 1: Introduction
    Week 2: Jesus - Who was he?
    Week 3: Jesus - Why did he come?
    Week 4: Jesus - His Death
    Week 5: What is Grace?
    Week 6: Jesus - His Resurrection

  • Exploring
    Christian Life:
    - The Church
    - The Holy Spirit
    - Prayer
    - The Bible

  • Week 7: What is a Christian?
    Week 8: Continuing as a Christian
    Week 9: Choices - King Herod
    Week 10: Choices - James, John & Bartimaeus


Contributors Rico Tice, Barry Cooper
ISBN 9789638728821
Format Paperback
First published March 2008
Dimensions 151mm x 209mm x 7mm
Weight 0.10 kg
Language Hungarian
Pages 76
Publisher Szentiras Szveteg
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