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Say What?!

God’s amazing plan from creation to salvation

By Clare Luther, illustrated by Emma Randall

Say What!? is a beautiful gospel picture book for 4 - 7s that traces creation to salvation using rhymes, Scripture and prayer.

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“Say what?! Take a look!

God writes his story in a book.

Say what?! It is true!

God knows all about me and you.”

Deep truths are captivatingly shared with little hearts and minds in this joyful picture book that explains God’s story from creation to salvation.

Find out who God is, how he wants us to live, the importance of the cross and more. Uses rhyme, Bible text, prayers and engaging explanations.

Great for discussing big questions with your kids!

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Age range: 4+
Contributors Clare Luther, Emma Randall
ISBN 9781915705068
Format Paperback
First published September 2023
Dimensions 290mm x 240mm x 5mm
Weight 0.22 kg
Language English
Pages 32
Publisher 10 Publishing

Rico Tice

Founder, Christianity Explored Ministries

I'm delighted to recommend this book. My daughter and I were drawn in by the pictures (the one with everyone miserable and wearing a crown yielded a great chat) and that led effortlessly to verses that clearly explained the gospel. She told me what she enjoyed most was the rhyme time, which we keep doing and thankfully it's getting the gospel deeper into both of us.

Glen Scrivener

Evangelist and blogger

Clever, Captivating and Catchy. This is very well done!

Ed Drew

Ministry Director, Faith in Kids; Author, Raising Confident Kids

Open up this book, read it with your child and breathe a little deeper. This is our Good News.

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Say What?! | Clare Luther, Emma Randall |
£6.99 £5.94