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Life with Jesus (Slovak version)

Life with Jesus (Slovak version)

A Discipleship Course for Every Christian

Let the gospel and God's grace shape your attitude to church, Bible reading, prayer, suffering and how you live your life. 12 sessions for individuals, churches or small groups.


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What does Christian Discipleship look like in practice?

This 12-session discipleship course, perfect for individuals or groups, looks at how the gospel and God's grace can shape our attitude towards church, Bible reading, prayer, suffering, how to use our money and many other aspects of life.

Incorporating Bible study, clear explanations and thought-provoking discussion questions, these sessions can be completed in around an hour and are designed to be used flexibly in different contexts: individually, in small groups or one-to-one.

Includes plenty of material to engage mature Christians as well as new believers, and an emphasis on practical, real-life application to help people follow Jesus in every area of their lives.

Makes a useful baptism or confirmation gift.

Product details


  • Introduction

  • PART ONE: A New Life
    1. Gospel: We Share the Victory of Jesus
    2. Grace: We Enjoy the Welcome of Jesus
    3. Church: We Belong to the Family of Jesus

  • PART TWO: A Changed Perspective
    4. Obedience: Jesus Gives Us a New View of God
    5. United: Jesus Gives Us a New Power for Life
    6. Suffering: Jesus Gives Us a New Hope for the Future

  • PART THREE: A Real Connection
    7. Bible: We Can Hear God’s Voice
    8. Prayer: We Can Seek God’s Help
    9. Communion: We Can Know God’s Love

  • PART FOUR: A Compelling Lifestyle
    10. Money: Jesus Enables Us to Lead a Contented Life
    11. Sex: Jesus Enables Us to Lead a Full Life
    12. Witness: Jesus Enables Us to Lead an Attractive Life

  • Space for Notes
    Leader's Guide


Contributors Tim Chester
ISBN 9788057060819
Format Paperback
First published November 2024
Dimensions 148mm x 210mm x 7mm
Weight 0.14 kg
Language Slovak
Pages 96
No. of studies 12
Publisher reformatio

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