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Tales that Tell the Truth

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The Christmas Promise (Swedish)
Alison Mitchell, Catalina Echeverri
The Friend who Forgives (Swedish)
Dan DeWitt, Catalina Echeverri
God's Very Good Idea Storybook (Greek)
Trillia J. Newbell, Catalina Echeverri
The Christmas Promise Storybook (Greek)
Alison Mitchell, Catalina Echeverri
The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross Storybook (Georgian)
Carl Laferton, Catalina Echeverri
The Friend who Forgives (Indonesian)
Dan DeWitt, Catalina Echeverri
Goodbye to Goodbyes (Spanish)
Lauren Chandler, Catalina Echeverri
The Friend who Forgives (Danish)
Dan DeWitt, Catalina Echeverri
God's Very Good Idea (Swedish)
Trillia J. Newbell, Catalina Echeverri
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