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Is God Anti-Gay? (Italian)

Is God Anti-Gay? (Italian)

and other questions about homosexuality, the Bible and same-sex attraction

from 36 reviews

A practical and sensitive exploration of the Bible's teaching on homosexuality.

Part of the Questions Christians Ask series.


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It's the hot topic of the moment. Christians, the church and the Bible seem to be out of step with modern attitudes towards homosexuality. And there is growing hostility towards those who hold a different view to the culture's. So is God homophobic? And how do we relate to both Christians and non-Christians who experience same-sex attraction?

In this short, simple book, Sam Allberry wants to help confused Christians understand what God has said about these questions in the scriptures. Drawing on his own experience, he offers a positive and liberating way forward through the debate.

This revised and updated version includes answers to some new questions, including:
• Should Christians attend gay weddings?
• Isn't the Christian view of sexuality dangerous and harmful?
• Is it sinful to experience same-sex attraction?

Download the full trailer.

Download the full interview.

Part of the Questions Christians Ask series: a range of short, simple books designed to help Christians understand what God has said about these questions and many more in the Bible.

Product details


  • Introduction
    1. Getting started: the Bible, marriage and sex
    2. The Bible and homosexuality
    3. Homosexuality and the Christian
    4. Homosexuality and the church
    5. Homosexuality and the world


Contributors Sam Allberry
ISBN 9788897963257
Format Paperback
First published September 2015
Dimensions 110mm x 178mm x 9.5mm
Weight 0.15 kg
Language Italian
Pages 96
Publisher BE Edizioni

Other information

Listen to a Q&A with Sam from Boyce College, Louisville

Watch Sam at an Is God Anti-Gay conference at Westside Church
(4 sessions + Q&A)


Timothy Keller

The late Founding Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City and Chairman of Redeemer City to City.

Is God Anti-Gay is filled with biblical teaching and pastoral wisdom. Sam writes as a same-sex attracted Christian who does not experience his life as impoverished or sub-human. I am delighted to recommend this book.

Rico Tice

Founder, Christianity Explored Ministries

This is becoming the issue of our day. Short books like this that are biblical, grounded in the writer's personal experience and pastoral concern are a gift to all the church family, those struggling and those looking in. Sam Allberry meets objections and misunderstandings graciously, truthfully and persuasively.

Russell D. Moore

Editor in Chief, Christianity Today

The gospel is good news, for homosexuals too. The gospel doesn't define us by our temptations but by the righteousness of Christ. This book sets forth the biblical case. The author captures perfectly the gospel's call to repentance and offer of mercy. Read this book and consider how God is calling you to love, in word and in deed, all of those around you.

Independent reviews

Is God Anti-Gay?

Nate Collins, The Gospel Coalition, 15 Jul 2013

In this brief but important book, Sam Allberry combines pastoral wisdom, authentic autobiography, and sound exegesis to provide Christians with a helpful introduction to the topic of homosexuality.... continue reading


For and Against?

Philemon Tracker, Evangelicals Now

Sam's testimony is that biblical faith is a source of great comfort and joy. What comes across is a pastor’s heart for people. Sam offers practical pointers for Christians who are struggling with the issue. There is also some helpful guidance for churches that, perhaps more frequently than ever before, are being called upon to support such believers in their life journeys. All this wisdom is set squarely in the context of a succinct exposition of the relevant Bible texts.... continue reading


Is God anti-gay?

Dave McDonald, Macarisms, 3 Sep 2014

It’s not shaped by politics, sensationalism, or right-wing ideologies. It’s not seeking to ride the trends of culture or church opinion. This book is an attempt to seek the mind of God honestly and sensitively from the Bible.... continue reading

Customer reviews

17 Feb 2023

“Honesty birthed from love”

(Review written for 'Is God anti-gay?')

Sam Allberry - Is God anti-gay?

Is God anti-gay is an honest account of God’s grace and mercy. Sam Allberry challenges some of the most entrenched perspectives in this field, debunking opinions and terminology in order to get to the heart of the topic. Throughout, Allberry details his own account, and personal struggles with homosexuality. He is completely honest and transparent, all the while demonstrating that Christ is his ultimate treasure. Allberry’s argument is that homosexual relationships are not in line with God’s design for humanity, and therefore are not compatible with life in Christ. Allberry then continues to give advice to others who have serious questions and issues with this topic. No matter our struggles, the author argues, the Lord guides us and helps us.
Allberry is thoughtful and pastoral in every paragraph. His narrative voice is personal and careful, addressing many concerns that the reader may have. Nevertheless, Allberry does not shy away from his argument, that homosexual relationship is not God’s will for humankind. That he gives his own account draws the reader in and challenges perceptions and perspectives. Allberry skillfully uses scripture and biblical points to support his points, and to encourage readers to pursue Christ and Godly behavior. All the while, he offers hope and encouragement for those struggling, or simply seeking an understanding.
Honesty birthed from love.
I received a free copy of this book from The Good Book Company in exchange for an honest review.

7 Mar 2022

“A thorough, helpful, and enlightening read”

(Review written for 'Is God anti-gay?')

Is God Anti-gay? Is a short and concise book that provides a goldmine of information, advice, and perspective on the topic of homosexuality and same-sex attraction. Talking from personal experience and always pointing to the Bible, Allberry provides an enlightened and godly approach to how Christians should respond to all sexual issues and how to show the love of Christ to people while also holding firm to the gospel and biblical truth.

19 Feb 2022

“Gods Grace”

(Review written for 'Is God anti-gay?')

First I would like to honour God in this moment and say thank you, for the gift of Salvation that you so freely gave to us.

My testimony - I rededicated my life to Christ 7 years ago. I lived a life of homosexuality and there’s so much to say.

This book helped me understand what God’s word says and what Gods design for us is. It helped me when I share my testimony about what scriptures I reference for those difficult question.

Being set free was never me becoming “straight” but having a relationship with God.

Jesus is the love of my life. It was an easy ready and I encourage anyone to share&read.

God Bless You

7 May 2021

“A Biblical, Balanced look at Scripture”

(Review written for 'Is God anti-gay?')

This is a very important and topical issue. In the past the church has been guilty of either stating relevant Bible verses, but with prejudice and without love. Alternatively others have spoke about the love of God, without reference to the truth of His word.
Sam Allberry does a brilliant job presenting the love of God and explaining the relevance and reason for the restrictions within God's word.
Sam shares his personal experience, and that enables him to speak with a greater authority and understanding.

21 Mar 2020


(Review written for 'Is God anti-gay?')

I am so much inspired by reading it not for giving me any arguments for or against various moral issues but just being simply exquisitely HUMANE

24 Oct 2019

“Awesome book”

(Review written for 'Is God anti-gay?')

With so much confusion in society and the church around the topic of same sex attraction this book is a gift from heaven. Sam has presented Godly truths in a relatable down to earth way that leaves the reader inspired, confident and equipped for ministry.

24 May 2019

“this is a gospel issue”

(Review written for 'Is God anti-gay?')

Easily readable in 1 or 2 sittings, Biblical and truthful. The author writes from personal experience as a same-sex attracted pastor. He separates the issue from identity to temptation. The crux for me is that he calls same-sex attraction a Gospel issue. We can call it a sin issue, a holiness issue, but the truth is it's a Gospel issue. And that makes all the difference. The Gospel is good news for everyone, whatever the temptation.

9 May 2019

“Care and compassion for others in all their diversity.”

(Review written for 'Is God anti-gay?')

Clearly sticks to biblical teachings in a compassionate and caring way. I have circulated this book in my house group as a first look at the complexity of being gay and how we should respond with care and Christian love.

13 Feb 2019

“Excellent on the topic with an even broader scope of application”

(Review written for 'Is God anti-gay?')

Written with faithfulness to the Word and with compassion. I bought the book because of a counseling situation in which I found myself. What I received was not only biblical wisdom to encourage that person, but also wisdom for myself and others when we find ourselves struggling with temptation that we wish would just go away! The enemy uses guilt and shame to isolate us from God and from each other, but in fact, neither temptation nor sin define the believer any longer - Christ does by the power of His death and resurrection! As we come to understand this, the pull of temptation is overcome.Thank you, Sam, for a very helpful little book!

5 Feb 2019

“Brief, Thorough and Biblical”

(Review written for 'Is God anti-gay?')

Great as an introduction to the biblical teaching on this subject. It also covers real life application. It does not go into too much depth so great for someone who is just starting to look into this issue.

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