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How to walk into Church

How to walk into Church

from 3 reviews

Guides you how to walk into church in a way that beautifully expresses what church is and why you’re there.

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“This book is a great idea. It's wonderfully practical, helpful, and relevant.”

Kevin DeYoung
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Walking into church is a much more complicated and important subject than it first appears. There are countless different ways to walk into church — walking in with different attitudes or expectations or obligations. How do you walk into church? The answer to that not–so–simple question will largely be determined by what you think church is, and what you think you’re doing there. That’s what this little book is all about.

Product details


  • 1. How to walk into church
    2. What is this thing we call ‘church’?
    3. Why am I walking into church?
    4. Before I walk into church
    5. After I walk into church
    6. When church finishes but doesn’t
    7. How to walk out of church


Contributors Tony Payne
ISBN 9781922206725
Format Paperback
First published June 2015
Dimensions 115mm x 175mm x 5mm
Weight 0.08 kg
Print size 10.0pt
Language English
Pages 68
Publisher Matthias Media

Kevin DeYoung

Senior Pastor, Christ Covenant Church, Matthews, NC; author, Crazy Busy and Just Do Something

This book is a great idea. It’s wonderfully practical, helpful, and relevant. I hope we can give it away to our new members. Tony has given us a necessary reminder on the importance of walking into church with the right heart, the right head, and the right spirit.

William Taylor

Rector, St Helen’s Church, Bishopsgate

This outstanding book is packed with profound reflection on what church is and practical application of what it means to ‘go to church’. I hope every member of St Helen’s reads it – it will do us a world of good.

Tim Challies

Blogger; author, Seasons of Sorrow

Sometimes the simplest things are the easiest to overlook – things like walking into church. How do you walk into church? If you read this little book, I believe you will think about it a lot differently and you will do it a lot better.

Independent reviews

How to walk into church

Dave McDonald, Macarisms, 18 Jun 2015

I suspect that going to church is an autopilot experience for most Christians. Sunday comes around and we get up, head to church, sit in the same place, and do what we always do.... continue reading

Customer reviews

27 Apr 2017

“How to walk into church”

I recommend this book if you want to honour God by focusing on praying about who you sit next to in church, how you respond to the sermon and what you do after the service. A short read with practical ideas about being more Christ- like in our attitude to church.

22 Dec 2016

“Good book ”

An interesting and pertinent book

18 Nov 2016

“A useful brief book with clear message .”

We used this book in our small group and found firstly that people read it, secondly they started acting on it. They really got to grips with its message. There is a great deal of helpful and practical wisdom about church, what it is, and how we should therefore walk into it, and spend our time there serving and loving the people who along with us reflect the glory and unity we have in heavenly places with Jesus. Find out your screensaver as seen by the preacher !! great truths in a small space.

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How to walk into Church | Tony Payne |
£3.49 £2.69