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Alistair Begg Book Bundle

Alistair Begg Book Bundle

from 66 reviews

Get a great deal when you buy a bundle of books by Alistair Begg

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This bundle of books by Alistair Begg will immerse you in rich bible teaching on a variety of topics. The bundle includes:

  • Pray Big - A short paperback book that offers inspiration from the Apostle Paul on how to pray bold, exciting prayers.
  • The Christian Manifesto - A short paperback book that encourages Christians with the words of Jesus in the sermon on the plain to live a countercultural life and experience true blessing.
  • Truth for Life Volume 1 - A beautiful hardback 365-day devotional of gospel-saturated daily reflections.
  • Truth for Life Volume 2 - A beautiful hardback 365-day devotional containing a second volume of gospel-saturated daily reflections.
  • Brave by Faith - A paperback book examining the book of Daniel to help readers see how to live confidently for Christ today.
Product details


Contributors Alistair Begg
Format Bundle
First published September 2023
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company

Sinclair B. Ferguson

Teaching Fellow of Ligonier Ministries; former Senior Minister of First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina

Endorsement written for Brave by Faith

Here is an ideal combination: one of today’s stand-out gospel communicators reflecting on the life, wisdom, and sheer guts of Daniel, one of yesterday’s outstanding heroes of the faith. With clarity and grace, courage is laid bare as one of our great needs today. 'Brave by Faith' is certain to challenge and encourage Christians of every age and at every stage in life. A book for our times!”

Christopher Ash

Writer in Residence, Tyndale House, Cambridge.

Endorsement written for Truth For Life - Volume 1

Here speaks a pastor who knows both his Bible and his people. He not only understands the Scriptures but lovingly applies them like medicine for the soul. These daily devotions will do that. They will help you get to know the Bible better and how it fits together. They will stretch your mind with deep, bracing theology expressed with accessible clarity. They will warm and nourish your heart because they breathe the beauty of Christ. I have been struck by the freshness and variety of the devotions, from every part of the Scriptures, and by the pastor’s heart that beats through them. There is rich nourishment here for the soul, the fruit of many years of mining the Scriptures and caring for people.

Tim Challies

Blogger; author, Seasons of Sorrow

Endorsement written for Truth For Life - Volume 2

If you are looking for wise and perceptive guidance to help you see and experience the deep impact of God’s words in Scripture, you will love this devotional. Each day’s reflection is a gem, focusing the light of the chosen Scripture text onto our thinking, our affections and our behaviour. I cannot imagine it being read without benefit! (Commenting on Volume 1)

Independent reviews

"in the typical Begg-style, it is warm and crystal clear on the greatness of God"

Alistair Chalmers, 4 May 2021

Endorsement written for Brave by Faith

In a time where Christians seem to be facing more hostility, the temptation might be to become angry or to hide. Neither responses are right, or God-glorifying. Begg takes the reader to some familiar chapters in the book of Daniel to help you see how amazing God is and the confidence that Christians can have because of Him.... continue reading


"As you go further reading the book, its gets better and better."

Nitoy Gonzales, 4 May 2021

Endorsement written for Brave by Faith

You might find some of Begg's points to be the usual inspirational stuff. At first it feels like the usual spiritual encouragement you might have read in other books. However, as you continue to read Begg will give you clarity on who you are as a child of God and how powerful God can be despite tides rising against your faith. The part when Begg turns the discussion to discipleship and evangelism became the turning point of the book. This call into action is definitely a winner in this book.... continue reading

Jesus Reigns and Will Return

Aaron Lee, 11 May 2021

Endorsement written for Brave by Faith

Begg helps us see that the whole life of Daniel was one long act of obedience. Daniel is well over 30 years old when he meets Belshazzar, and Daniel was 80 years old when he was thrown into the lion’s den. We see that God calls us to faithfulness throughout the duration of our lives. Begg brings us to Christ, and we remember the tomb of Jesus where he was delivered from death.... continue reading

Customer reviews

11 Feb 2025

“Both challenging and deeply encouraging in its unpacking of God's truth”

(Review written for 'Truth For Life - Volume 1')

This is an excellent devotional, and a wonderful counterpart to my reading of the whole Bible in a year. It focuses the mind and heart every day on an aspect of God's truth and/or character, nourishes the spirit, and leads directly into prayer. Thank you, Alistair.

2 Feb 2025

“A great devotional!”

(Review written for 'Truth For Life - Volume 1')

Very well thought out. I appreciate the citied scriptures throughout and the scripture at the bottom for further study. One thing that would be helpful is a bookmark that tells you what the 3 symbols mean, I forget then have to go back To the beginning of the book to remember what they mean.

31 Jan 2025

“Fantastic Devotional Book”

(Review written for 'Truth For Life - Volume 2')

I bought Truth for Life volume one last year to use for my devotional time, because I wanted something a little more "meaty". I found Truth For Life refreshing, challenging and deeply satisfying.
As a result, this year I bought Truth For Life Volume Two and I found that Alistair Begg has not taken his foot off the gas! It is just as fresh and challenging as the first book. In fact, just as before, God was speaking to me through Begg's words as well as the Scriptures. If I could give it 6 out of 5 stars, I would.

7 Jan 2025

“Truth for Life Volume Two”

(Review written for 'Truth For Life - Volume 2')

I was given this book in 2022, asked for Volume One in 2023, and bought Vol 2 for a friend in 2024. I am re-reading Volume Two again now in 2025. That is how beneficial I feel these devotions are. Very easy to read too. Thank you

10 Feb 2024

“Beautiful Gift”

(Review written for 'Truth For Life - Volume 1')

Truth For Life - Alistair Begg

I am so happy that an imitation leather version of Truth for Life has been released. I have every edition of these devotionals and I thoroughly enjoy them.

I have also given many away as birthday gifts because I love it so much so to have the gift edition makes an even better gift as it is lovely to hold and makes the reading experience all the more pleasurable.

What sets this daily devotion apart from others is that at the bottom of every devotion you will see head, heart and hands.
These images are there so that after your time of reading you can ask yourself:

* How is God calling me to think differently?

* How is God reordering my heart's affections - what I love?

* What is God calling me to do as I go about my day today?

I love this feature as it encourages us to be doers of the word and not just hearers and I have found it creates good discussion when reading the devotional with someone else, it can be a great way to hold one another accountable.

I tend to read this devotional around lunchtime so that it doesn't interrupt my morning time in the word and I always want to encourage people not to replace their bible time with a devotional.
However this devotional is really helpful because after reading Begg's commentary on the verse for the day you will find there is an extra Bible passage next to the head heart and hands which compliments the reflection for the day.

There is also a reading plan at the bottom of each page to help you read through the whole Bible in a year. I find that this devotional is great because rather than it becoming your main source of spiritual food, it really encourages you to get into the Bible more.

Highly recommend for yourself or a friend!

2 Feb 2024

“Quality book and quality service”

(Review written for 'Truth For Life - Volume 1')

I love Alistair's books. Quality man of God, quality, solid biblical teaching. Stayed the course!
This devotional no exception. Had his Vol 2 last year so wanted to get Vol 1 this year. Not disappointed.
And my confidence in Alastair has not wained despite current controversy, as I know the man's heart and stand on moral issues - much of current public criticism is unbalanced and out of context. Read his book Christian Manifesto to capture something of this man's heart.

15 Jan 2024

“This really is "truth for life"!”

(Review written for 'Truth For Life - Volume 1')

I chose this as a Christmas present and am enjoying it very much. It gives you a truth to get your teeth into and mull over during the day. I love the cross-references which link passages in a way that I might not have thought of and the extra passage to read also throws more light on the topic under discussion. I'm not convinced it would work for a new Christian or someone who doesn't know the Bible very well and so may not understand the context of the verse or verses being explained and applied or the cross-references. But if you're reasonably familiar with the Bible and want to deepen your understanding, this book is really good.

20 Dec 2023

“A must read for all Christians.”

(Review written for 'The Christian Manifesto')

This was by far one of my most favorite books that I’ve read this year. It was equally encouraging and convincing with the repeated refrain of the gospel woven throughout each chapter. Alistair uses the words of our risen Lord to remind Christians of the life they have been called to as followers of Jesus. We are not meant to be “normal” by the standard set in society, but rather to pursue a Christ-like response in all that we do. The gift of salvation that we have been given through the shed blood of Jesus should be evident in our daily lives. This counter-culture life is also counter-intuitive to our sinful nature. Alistair reminds us that we too were once enemies of God and that it’s only because of His mercy and love that we can be reconciled to Him. While being justified, we’re still sinners and our “natural” response is not always, or even often, in line with how God instructs us to live.

This is a rather short book and Alistair does a fantastic job at cramming so much gospel truth in every page. Honestly, each of these chapters could’ve been twice as long and I would’ve joyfully read each one. Alistair is always such a wise and gracious theologian and this book is no different. He makes the Bible plain - not in a boring way, but in an easily understood and compassionately encouraging way.

I typically share some of my favorite quotes from books, but I’ve noted nearly every paragraph of this book because it’s just that good. The way Alistair has taken familiar Scripture and brought it to light in a new way, reminding the Christian of the amazing privilege of being in God’s Kingdom while also exhorting them to live out that faith, has made this a must-read book in my opinion.

18 Dec 2023


(Review written for 'The Christian Manifesto')

The Christian Manifesto by Alistair Begg is a short but concisely fleshed out book on the power behind the sermon on the Plain.

“The Sermon on the Plain, then, is Jesus’ invitation to you to experience life at its very best. It is his description of what life in His kingdom-a kingdom where all that is wrong is being made right- looks like as we live in this world.”

He also touches on a few misquoted verses from the sermon, effectively breaking down the context and meaning of each.

“You will hear the phrase ‘Do not judge’ trotted out by the most unlikely people at the most unlikely times and used in the most unlikely ways. So, again, we need to understand exactly what Jesus is, and is not saying here”.

As someone who is admittedly a bit unfamiliar with the phrase “ The Sermon of the Plain,” I was pleasantly appreciative of this little book which shed some much needed insight on the true meanings behind Jesus’ words.

I recommend for all believers.

15 Dec 2023

“I'm a new customer and absolutely would recommend this supplier”

(Review written for 'Truth For Life - Volume 1')

Very pleased with Post and packaging. And of course items ordered.

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