On to a Good Thing

Phil Grout | 3 Feb 2015

Here's our round-up of helpful articles, useful links and resources, and other 'good things' we think you might like:

1. Talks from FIEC’s Hub Conference 2015

Listen to talks by Ray Evans given at the recent FIEC Hub Conference.

2. Scripture in Song

A website with Scripture memory songs and other useful resources to help with Scripture memorisation.

3. BeLoved

A new video from Glen Scrivener.

4. Songs from The Crowded House

A new music album from The Crowded House.

5. 500+ Preaching Resources

David Murray at HeadHeartHand shares over 500 resources on preaching.


Found something that you think should make it on to the On to a Good Thing round-up? Send it to: ontoagoodthing@thegoodbook.co.uk

Phil Grout

Phil is the Film and Media Editor at The Good Book Company. You can watch The Good Book Company's videos on their YouTube Channel. He also blogs at The Good Book Blog.